1st April 2020 Dear Friends As I type the date I wonder if somehow a great April Fool’s trick is being played on us, confining us to our homes, whilst […]
for 5 April 2020 (Palm Sunday)

1st April 2020 Dear Friends As I type the date I wonder if somehow a great April Fool’s trick is being played on us, confining us to our homes, whilst […]
Had I been leading worship this morning, my planned theme was Friendship. The gospel reading today was the one where Jesus is called to the home of his friends Mary, […]
It’s 10:30am Sunday morning, the 4th Sunday in Lent, Mothering Sunday, the first Sunday of Social Distancing and I’m sitting in Ansty Road all alone. I’ve put some notices on […]
I write at a time when the news is dominated by Covid-19 and our response to it. On 17th March, following advice from the URC that was matched by other […]