
There is a style of poetry that doesn’t use punctuation

but leaves big gaps between phrases


the leaf                                        fall

your ring remained

golden decay

                I’m never sure how to read it

                                      the breaks spoil the rhythm

and often there is no rhyme any way                                                       So how do you recite such a thing?

But then I find myself pausing in the gaps       

thinking about the line just read

before moving on to the next one

it slows us down                                                                   no more rushing on


Sabbatical has been such a pause

between phrases

time to reflect on the last line                    

to unhurriedly be ready for the next.


Advent is also meant to be such a pause

although it can often feel like we are rushing through the lines in preparation for all that will come

I hope you find somewhere to pause        

                                 to craft a break, relish the moment

reflect on the last line be ready for the next

                                                             discover treasure in the gaps


be blessed


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