Dear Friends, This letter is going to run two weeks together as I’m unlikely to be able to get the posted letters out next week before Christmas Day. We are […]
At the Meeting Place – for 18 October 2020

Dear Friends This has been the week of Elders meetings. Somehow we have fallen into the pattern of holding both Elders’ Meetings on consecutive days. Sometimes it is useful […]
7 June 2020

I wrote last week about beginning a series of Prayer walks, so I thought I would share something from those. Monday was Ansty Road, beginning outside the church where I […]
For 17 May 2020

As we come to our 9th Sunday without being able to meet in the churches, I have found myself in a new routine that now works towards having these letters […]
for 3rd May 2020

Over the last month I’ve had the rare opportunity to listen to others preach and see the way they lead worship. It’s interesting. Last week I began during my morning […]
For 26 April 2020

It is now over a month since we were able to meet together and we continue to manage this lockdown period in different ways. Many have grown used to working […]
for 5 April 2020 (Palm Sunday)

1st April 2020 Dear Friends As I type the date I wonder if somehow a great April Fool’s trick is being played on us, confining us to our homes, whilst […]
First Sunday of Social Distancing

It’s 10:30am Sunday morning, the 4th Sunday in Lent, Mothering Sunday, the first Sunday of Social Distancing and I’m sitting in Ansty Road all alone. I’ve put some notices on […]
Easter Hope

I’ve just come home from an AGM that focused on hope, it told inspirational stories whilst knowing the harsh reality of human life, yet looked forward to the future; that […]
Silent Garden

In the silent garden, we stood with graves laid out as if disbelief could turn back time. Sometimes, silence is all we have to express ourselves; awed, astonished, ashamed, […]